MIRANDA Roma is an innovative project aiming to promote social inclusion through vocational training and improve the outreach to people with fewer opportunities.

This will be achieved through: i) the identification of stakeholders the sector who can help and play an important role in reaching out to Roma learners. ii) the mapping/research with stakeholders to fully understand the problems of inclusion and improve VET Schools and reduce the employment gap of the Roma minority. MIRANDA Roma aims also to address the barriers that Roma adults face in accessing opportunities in the labor market, as well as to contribute to the creation of inclusive environments that promote equality and equity in education.

Τhe main objectives of the MIRANDA Roma project

  • To enhance Roma education and bridge social gaps.
  • Enhancing the services of the VET Schools for Roma and other excluded groups
  • Increasing the attractiveness of VET Schools in the Roma community
  • Reducing the employment gap for Roma
  • Reducing the gap in completion of upper secondary and vocational education for Roma
  • Increasing public awareness of issues of discrimination suffered by Roma
  • Informing the employers and stakeholders about the employment prospects of Roma

The results that the MIRANDA project aims to achieve

A Roma Stakeholders Database

A series of Outreach Strategies for Roma learners


Guidebooks for VET Empowerment


Curriculum with short-term "power up" courses


Training of Trainers for VET trainers /staff


Info Days in VET


Networking and Informative Workshops for Database stakeholders